I've always been a spiritual person, though not religious. I grew up going to church every Sunday, but it never spoke to me. Still, I always sensed there was more to life than just this earthly existence.

In my late 20s, I read the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Brian Weiss, and it changed my life. This book profoundly altered my perception of spirituality and introduced me to the concepts of reincarnation and our soul's eternal journey. Talking about these insights brought me peace and joy, and it ignited a deep desire within me to share with anyone who would listen.

As life unfolded, raising kids and managing daily responsibilities took center stage, and my spiritual pursuits took a backseat.  Fast forward 25 years, and after breaking the same leg twice (yes, it took two breaks for my spirit team to get my attention), I found myself drawn back to spirituality.

While healing my broken leg, I read "Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe" by Laura Lynne Jackson, which was pivotal in reigniting my passion for exploring the realms of life after death, our soul’s journey, past life regression, energy healing, and our soul's purpose. I dove deep into spirituality, devouring books and seeking a deeper understanding.

During this time, I discovered the "Angels and Awakening" podcast by Julie Jancius, which inspired me to enroll in her Angel Reiki School. I became an Angel Reiki Master Teacher, and I haven’t looked back.

With an unwavering faith in the interconnectedness of all beings and the existence of divine guidance, I am honored to help you connect to your true essence and life's purpose.


Reach out to Caroline Doyle for inquiries about Angel Reiki Healing sessions and to book appointments. 

(415) 606 - 6448